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Setting your partner portal to private

Now you've created your partner portal pages, and customized your private content settings, it's time to set your content to private, so that you can work on your pages, publish and test them, before opening them up to your partners.

AllianceHub uses HubSpot's private content functionality to do this, by requiring membership registration to access private content. Please review HubSpot's extensive documentation on private content first, so you're comfortable that you know how this works, and what you should be aware of. In this article, we'll draw your attention to some specific details that are important.

Creating your access list

At this point, you're going to create a static list, containing only yourself and anyone in your organization working on your partner portal. This will allow you and your colleagues to log into published pages to review and test them, without allowing anyone else to see them.

  1. Create your list and add yourself to it.
  2. Name your list, and save it.

Setting your pages to private

⚠️ Setting any HubSpot page to private will generate a version of the registration email to everybody in the list(s) you set as having access, inviting them to register.

DO NOT add a list containing anybody other than yourself to your page unless you have tested every aspect of your partner portal, including the emails, and are ready to open it up to your partners.

Please refer to HubSpot's step-by-step instructions for making pages private and controlling audience access.