Build your partner portal in HubSpot — AllianceHub documentation

Configuring private content settings

Written by AllianceHub Docs | 4 September, 2023

AllianceHub leverages HubSpot private content functionality to secure access, and comes complete with custom pages to allow your partners to register for access, login, set and recover passwords. Here, we'll show you how set up the registration and sign in experiences for your partner portal.

Page settings

  1. From within your HubSpot account, click the settings icon in the main navigation bar.
  2. Using the left navigation panel, scroll down to Website > Private Content.
  3. Choose your partner portal domain to edit, e.g.
  4. On the Basics tab, select Allow self-registration. This will allow your partners to register for a partner portal account BUT will only allow them to see your partner portal content if they meet the criteria you set.
  5. On the Pages tab,  set the following pages:
    System page Select page
    Registration page AllianceHub Registration Page
    Sign in page AllianceHub Sign In Page
    Sign out page AllianceHub Sign Out Page
    Request password reset page AllianceHub Request Password Reset Page
    Create new password page AllianceHub Create New Password Page
  6. Once complete, click Save.

Email settings

While it's not mandatory for AllianceHub to work, we recommend customizing the HubSpot default emails that are generated by private content — these emails contain instructions for setting up accounts, setting and changing passwords. They are serviceable, but stamping them with your brand and tone is a nice touch.

In the Email tab, work your way through each of the emails displayed. 
  1. Click the Actions dropdown below each email.
  2. Select Create. This prompts you to select a template for a marketing email.
  3. Ensure you keep the mandatory elements, such as within the email and customize to your requirements.
  4. Review and publish when complete.
  5. Return to the Private Content settings page.
  6. Select the domain you have chosen for your partner portal, and swap the default email to the email you have just created.
  7. Repeat for all 3 emails: registration email, password saved email, password reset email.